TPC Post-Processing Challenge

Post-processing challenge  
Photography is no longer just knowing your camera and subject. These days there are a plethora of plug-ins, filters and special effects that can be applied and everyone has an opinion about what degree of post-processing is too much. Is replacing the sky using PhotoShop’s sky replacement tool acceptable? How about PhotoShopping in a bird or removing a telegraph wire?

In April’s meeting we’ll have some fun as we provide members with RAW files and ask them to get creative with editing. Why not PhotoShop a T-rex into Schwabacher’s Landing? Or go crazy with sliders and plug-ins? How about something more subtle like r
emoving dead space from an image?

Or simply use your own personal taste to post-process one or more of the provided images in your own way.

Then, we’ll share with everyone to get new ideas how to make our own photos better! How it will work:

• There is a selection of RAW files and a document containing guidelines (called READ ME FIRST) in a Google drive here
• Choose and download one or more images and get creative!
• You can use any post-processing program or filters you like
• We will get together on Wednesday April 21st and share our results
• SAVE or take note of your mistakes so we can trouble shoot as well!

Get your creative juices flowing and show us what you’ve got! See you April 21st  with your creations! ( Instructions on how to submit them can also be found in the next TPC Snapshot.)

If you are not a member of the Teton Photography Club and would like to attend this meeting, please send an e-mail with Monthly Meeting in the subject line to:  and we will send you log-in credentials.  

If you would like to join the Teton Photography Club and have immediate access to all Club meetings, activities and resources, click here.

To join a TPC Zoom meeting:

  1. Log-in to your TPC account
  2. Click the link on the TPC EVENTS page or CALENDAR
  3. Open the Event
  4. Click “Click here to open Zoom meeting”