Lifetime Premium Sponsoring Membership

Lifetime Premium  Sponsoring Membership is for those photographers who want to go above and beyond in their support for photography in the Greater Teton Region, in perpetuity. This is our highest level of membership and is paid only once making you a premium member for as long as the organization exists.

Lifetime premium sponsoring members will receive advanced notice for all TPC travel and tour activities and special consideration for all limited access classes, and workshops.

Lifetime premium sponsoring membership includes all full member benefits  – our monthly TPC Newsletter and supplemental notices of activities, full access to the TPC website including all pages and features, syndication of personal photography blogs, member showcase mini-portfolio, eligibility for all photo competitions and exhibitions, early announcement of all photo travel and tours,  eligibility for participation in all surveys, voting, and leadership positions, participation in the Peer Mentor Program, and discounted rates for all paid classes, workshops, and symposia.

Lifetime premium sponsoring members have posting access to all TPC social media groups.

Lifetime premium sponsoring members will receive special recognition upon joining in our Newsletter and at our end-of-year annual business and Planning meeting.

Note: if for any reason your TPC membership is no longer possible, the TPC will refund the remainder of your payment prorated on an assumed 5 year annualized basis. (For example, if you were a paid lifetime member for 26 months we will consider you having membership for 3 years and will refund 2 years of premium dues or $200.)

If you have already registered on this site before, please login before completing your purchase using the form below:

New Lifetime Premium Sponsoring Member Form