The Creative Blur Theme can be developed in a variety of ways from the abstract panning that can be used on trees to create an up-and-down blur of lines to a photo of blurred cars whizzing by at the Indy 500. The articles below create many options for presenting a photo with a creative blur. The options are almost never-ending.
“50 Stunning Examples of Motion Blur Photography” by Taya Ivanova in Expert Photography. This is a very valuable article with truly 50 photos with explanations of a variety of approaches to creative blur. This is a great article to start your Creative Blur exploration since it will plant some ideas you may never have considered … and after reading the article you will be “Wow, good idea. I think I’ll go out for a few different shots.”
“Intentional Blur – How to Create it and Why it’s Awesome” by David Shaw in Digital Photography School . This article introduces new photo opportunities (abstract panning) to action photos where the runner is blurry with a sharp background or a sharp runner with a blurry background. A photo of a water fall shot a 1 or 2 seconds would also be a creative blur.
“What is Motion Blur? (And How to Use it for Awesome Photos)” by Andrea Mini and Hillary Grigonis in Expert Photography. This is a thoughtful article with clear instruction on how to set up your camera settings. They discuss the value of ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) and give a number of potential subjects to use.
“Creative Blur Techniques” by William Sawalich in Digital Photo. A short article that describes panning, artful subject blur, or using a flash to create a sharp image while setting a show shutter speed to blur the background. Not a lot of new ideas except for the flash.
“Creative Blur Techniques for Wildlife Photography” by Aaron Baggenstos in Really Right Stuff. This is an interesting article by Really Right Stuff that includes some original ideas connected to Wildlife. We have plenty of wildlife in GTNP and YNP and this article can help you come up with some original creative blur photos of those beautiful animals.
“How to Use Intentional Camera Movement in Photography to Great Effect” by Simon Bond in Digital Photography School. This is an interesting article that talks about approaches to daytime and nighttime ICM (intentional camera movement).
“How to: Make Magic with a Flash and Rear Sync” by Levi Sim in Photo Focus
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