Vanishing Point Theme

Vanishing Point Theme

As the members of the Peer Mentor Program improve their photo-eye it can be educational to have some monthly peer mentor themes that specifically emphasize composition.  Taking these photos and “voting” on these compositional themes should begin with thoughtful consideration of the chosen theme.   

Vanishing Point has a very simple definition “the point at which parallel lines appear to converge”.  In many vanishing point photos the foreground is essentially enlarged and the background creates depth, and an invitation to take a walk into the photo.  It gives great perspective and builds on emphasizing the scale built into the photo.  If you want to give depth to your photo, a vanishing point is a good way to start.

Vanishing Point is a classic artistic addition to your photo which  highlights the the depth of image by showing parallel lines that get smaller and smaller as the eye of the viewer looks into the depth of the image … until they vanish.  The classic example is railroad tracks or a highway that gets smaller and smaller.  Since getting the viewer to “look into” your photo, a vanishing point is a very good addition to your composition which can be used in all kinds of photos.   Here are some good articles:

The online site Contrastly has a good article that gives a clear-cut definition of Vanishing Point and some ideas about how to use it in the article “Getting a Killer Vanishing Point in your Photography.”  This article is a very good place to start.

The online site is another good article with some diverse photo example of Vanishing Point.  The “Using a Vanishing Point in Your Photography” is certainly worth reading and getting ideas from their photos.  This is a particularly interesting article because it shares some history.  Check it out and be a little surprised 🙂

And if you like a more academic article you should take a look at this article in, “How to Use Vanishing Point in Your Photography.” or this article in Light& “Photo Composition: Vanishing Point” 

Vanishing Point can be an interesting addition to your compositional thoughts.   We often try to inviting the viewer of our photos to travel into the message we are trying to send and vanishing point is a good “trick” to get them to take the steps.

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